Okay, I will answer this question. It’s very simple. It’s just…., Just! That’s basically it.
So, where does it come from? It comes from my original name, my parents gave me. Officially my name is Jan Joost. So, I deleted the ‘ Jan’ and substituted the ‘O’ for an ‘S’. You understand? Cool! Okay, so what does it stand for? I was wondering what to do with my life and I’ve struggled for more than 10 years with that question. In the end I had an answer and that was: ‘I ‘just’ want to do music. Okay, has ‘Just/Jssst’ more meanings? Definitely, it has. I’ll name you a few: Definition1: Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right orobligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; said both of persons and things. I want to make true, honest tunes and try to respect everyone everywhere in any point of time. Definition2: Precisely; exactly; in place, time, or degree; neither more nor less than is stated. I have a technical back ground and producing tunes is besides creative work also very technical. I like math. At school I was very good at it. At university, not. I kinda lose motivation. Not for pure clean mathematics. But mathematics and real life problems makes mathematics dirty, in my opinion. I like beautiful things. And some real dirty things can be beautiful as well. For example, noisssse. That can be music, if it is mixed properly. But with econometrics, the math wasn’t mixed well. So, I can be very precisely and making tunes is very precisely work. Definition3: Closely; nearly; almost. I like the edgy style of life. That means music, art and life in general. I’m an open minded person and do like things that are on the edge of good/bad, ugly/beautiful, etc. Last, but not least definition 2 and 3 are very contradictive, but the distance between them is small. And that’s another contradiction. it’s me, too! This is who I am, nice to meet you :-) Jssst
JssstDJ / Producer
October 2018